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New Client Information

I'm delighted that you'd like to start treatment with me. Get in touch on so that I can add you to my 6-8 week waitlist and have a chat.




Check my online diary and make sure that you are available when I'm open. 




Complete a New Patient Registration Form and get it back to me before our telephone consultation. You can do this in a number of ways:


  • Download the Microsoft Word version or PDF version and print it out. Complete by hand and either post it to me, or take photos of it message the photos to me via whatsapp/email/text/facebook messenger.

  • Download the Microsoft version and edit it directly in Microsoft Word, and email the document to me.

  • Download the PDF version and edit it using a Mark Up feature on your phone or other app, and email it to me.

  • Ask me to post a paper copy out to you. You can either post it back, or send me the photos of it once completed












Read the aftercare advice






Cancellation and Rescheduling Policy

- If you are poorly, please contact me to discuss.

- Other reasons for cancellation and rescheduling: you will be charged the full fee if you cancel or reschedule for another reason within 72 of your appointment. Please appreciate that it's difficult for me to fill a space cancelled less than 5 working days ahead. 

-- Please respect your booking in the same way you would endeavour to keep an NHS consultant booking.


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